Have you ever picked up a crystal at a local shop and wondered, “What do I do with this now?” You’re not alone! Crystals have captivated people for centuries with their beauty and energy, and today, I’m here to guide you through everything you need to know as a beginner.


I’m Alex, and I’ve been fascinated by crystals and healing stones since I was a kid. Their vibrant colors, unique energy, and powerful healing properties have always drawn me in. I've been collecting crystals for as long as I can remember, so let me help you get started.

If you’re curious about crystals, spirituality, or holistic healing—or if you're a mystical millennial like me—you’re in the right place! Let’s dive into this beginner’s guide to crystals and learn how to choose crystals, their properties and meanings, and what to do with them.

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Choosing Your First Crystal

When you’re just starting, it’s easy to grab a crystal at any local store. But, if you really want to immerse yourself in the magical and wonderful world of crystals, visit a metaphysical shop. Simply look up metaphysical shops near you to find a list of stores that might offer exactly what you want.

Local metaphysical shops often have a wide selection and knowledgeable staff. These spaces also tend to have a welcoming, peaceful energy, which helps when selecting a crystal in person. And here’s the secret to choosing the best store for you: always trust your gut! If a shop feels welcoming and friendly, you’re in the right place.

For beginners, I recommend starting with tumbled stones. These small, portable crystals are great for everyday use. Larger stones can come later, but tumbled ones are perfect for carrying with you. Tumbled stones are affordable and allow you to experiment with different types of crystals without committing to larger, pricier pieces.

The best way to choose your first crystal is to let your intuition guide you—what stone calls out to you? Which colors or shapes catch your eye? The one you're most drawn to—whether it's the color, shape, or energy—is often the one you need most at that moment.

Even if you go in with a plan to buy a specific crystal, be open to something unexpected. Often, the crystal that catches your eye or feels right is the one your energy is naturally attracted to. Hold the crystal in your hand. Pay attention to how you physically and emotionally react to it. If it feels calming, soothing, or energizing, it’s likely the right one for you.

Crystal Properties

When choosing your first crystal, it’s essential to understand that each stone carries unique properties that can support different aspects of your life. Some popular crystals are known for their strong energies, but let me guide you in making a more intuitive and personal choice.

Amethyst is often the first crystal many are drawn to for its calming energy and deep spiritual connection. If you’re looking to quiet your mind, reduce stress, or deepen your intuition, this soothing purple stone can help guide you. Known for promoting clarity and spiritual growth, amethyst is perfect for those seeking peace or aiming to strengthen their meditation practice.

Let me tell you about one of my favorite crystals: Lapis lazuli. For those seeking wisdom and deeper insight, lapis lazuli is a powerful tool. Its deep blue color resonates with the third eye chakra, which enhances intuition and opens the mind to inner truths. Lapis lazuli is often used to boost psychic abilities and connect with higher wisdom, making it a valuable stone for those seeking knowledge and understanding. What about you? Do you already have a favorite crystal?

For those focused on love and emotional healing, rose quartz is a gentle and powerful ally. Often called the “stone of love,” its soft pink hues radiate compassion and encourage self-care. Whether you’re looking to enhance relationships or cultivate more self-love, rose quartz offers nurturing energy that heals the heart and promotes emotional balance.

On the other hand, if you’re working on manifesting success and abundance, citrine is your go-to crystal. Its bright, golden color embodies joy, positivity, and confidence. Citrine helps boost motivation and invites prosperity into your life, making it a great stone for overcoming challenges and staying energized while pursuing your goals.

If you’re seeking protection and grounding, black tourmaline is the perfect stone to keep negative energy at bay. Whether it’s the stress of daily life or external influences weighing you down, black tourmaline offers a stable, protective shield. Its grounding energy brings a sense of safety and stability, making it essential for times when you feel vulnerable or overwhelmed.

Clear quartz, known as the “master healer,” is an incredibly versatile stone. Its clear, radiant energy amplifies the intentions you set and the energy of other crystals in your collection. Whether you're looking for healing, clarity, or focus, clear quartz enhances any goal or practice, making it an ideal crystal for beginners.

Cleansing Your Crystal

Once you’ve found your crystal, it’s important to cleanse it. Cleansing crystals before using them is necessary because crystals absorb and store the energy around them, including both positive and negative vibrations.

Before a crystal reaches you, it may have passed through many hands and environments, picking up various energies along the way. By cleansing the crystal, you’re clearing any unwanted or stagnant energy it may have collected.

Cleansing helps reset the crystal’s energy, allowing it to work at its highest vibration and align with your intentions. It also ensures that the crystal is attuned to your unique energy, making it more effective in healing, meditation, or other practices.

Additionally, cleansing helps maintain the crystal’s energetic purity over time, especially if it’s frequently used for grounding, protection, or emotional healing. It’s like giving the crystal a fresh start so it can continue to support you in the best possible way.

My favorite way to cleanse crystals is by using sage or incense. Burning sage or incense and passing your crystal through the smoke with your hand is a simple and powerful way to cleanse it. This method helps to clear away negative or stagnant energy. You can easily find some sage or incense in the metaphysical shop you go to. And there are many different ways you can use them in your home.

Another method includes placing the stone under the light of a full moon. It's a gentle and effective way to cleanse crystals. Simply leave them outside or on a windowsill overnight to absorb the moon’s energy.

Probably the simplest way to cleanse a crystal is to hold it under cool, running water to wash away unwanted energy. But for this method, natural water sources would be best. Also, make sure the crystal is safe to be in water first—soft or porous stones may be damaged.

If you have access to a garden, you can also bury your crystal in the Earth for a day or more to recharge and cleanse it with grounding energy. This method connects the crystal to the healing vibrations of the Earth.

How To Use Crystals

Now that we are done with all the preparation steps, are you ready to finally use your crystal? First, you should practice visualization. It is key when working with crystals. Simply hold your crystal and imagine a bright white or golden light surrounding it, clearing away any negative energy and restoring its pure vibration.

You can also visualize the light source; something like the universe, a higher power, or a star will do. This is what I do. I simply imagine a bright white light coming down from a beautiful star, all the way through the Earth's atmosphere and the roof over my head. Then down through my head toward my feet and out through my hands and into the stone, clearing away any old energy.

At the same time, set your intention by holding the crystal and stating what you want it to help with—whether it's success, guidance, love, or personal growth. You can set up to three intentions, as crystals are powerful tools that can support you in multiple ways.

Tumbled stones are versatile. One of the easiest ways to use them is during meditation. If you're working on your spiritual gifts or want to open your third eye, try placing a stone like amethyst or lapis lazuli on your forehead while you meditate.

I always keep a lapis lazuli in my living room that I use every day for my meditation routine after jumping out of bed in the morning. It helps me set my intentions for the day and I highly recommend you try it yourself!

Another way of using crystals is carrying a tumbled stone with you throughout the day. It keeps your intentions close and reminds you of the energy you’re cultivating while going through the day-to-day tasks. But it's not always practical in all situations.

If you are dead set on using larger crystals, even if smaller ones are better for beginners, keep in mind that it’s all about placement. If want to keep negative energy out of your home for example, then place a piece of black tourmaline by your front door.

If you're someone who has nightmares or trouble sleeping in general, then try placing amethyst by your bedside as it promotes peaceful sleep. For success and focus, citrine in your office is a great way to amplify those energies. And if you’re looking for love, rose quartz in your bathroom can infuse your daily routine with positive vibrations. This crystal has the power to bring love into your life.

The Beauty of Crystals

As we wrap up this beginner’s guide to crystals, I hope you’re feeling more confident and excited to explore the world of these powerful stones. Whether it’s tapping into their healing properties, using them for meditation, or simply appreciating their beauty, crystals can bring a sense of connection, balance, and energy to your life.

Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to work with crystals—it’s all about following your intuition and seeing what resonates with you. Take your time, experiment with different stones, and trust the process. Your journey with crystals is uniquely yours.

Crystals are more than just beautiful objects; they’re powerful allies in your spiritual journey. Whether you’re carrying a tumbled stone or placing a larger crystal in your home, don't forget to cleanse and set intentions regularly. With time, you’ll start to notice how these little stones support and guide you on your path. Remember you are not alone. We are here to walk with you.

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About the Author: Alex Assoune

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