The green movement is booming. Even in the fashion industry, more and more people are looking to buy second-hand clothes if they are sustainable. Other eco-friendly choices include clothes made from organic natural or recycled materials. And that's a good thing.

Is buying second hand really sustainable? The answer is not as easy as you think. It depends. What does it mean to be sustainable in the first place? Is it always better for the environment to second-hand clothes?

There are many places where you can get second-hand clothes online:

second-hand clothes shop pin

Second-hand clothes allow us to re-purpose and reuse old clothing to keep them from landfills. But it would have been even better if the clothes weren't made at all.

One thing is certain. Second-hand clothes are better than virgin clothing made from materials that are not eco-friendly.

On the other hand, buying new clothes made from environmentally friendly materials encourages their production. It supports manufacturers, brands and retailers that go out of their way to make eco-friendly clothing.

This stimulates the industry, increasing the demand for sustainable fashion. It creates publicity and awareness around these topics. And you are ultimately making a change with your buying power.

To protect the environment, the better choice would still be to buy second-hand clothes that are also made from sustainable materials. But it isn't always an option.

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About the Author: Alex Assoune

What We're Up Against

Fast fashion groups overproducing cheap clothes in the poorest countries.
Garment factories with sweatshop-like conditions underpaying workers.
Media conglomerates promoting unethical, unsustainable fashion products.
Bad actors encouraging clothing overconsumption through oblivious behavior.
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