When you think of fashion, you may not think of graphic design, yet, many famous graphic designers have played a key role in fashion in more ways than you may think.

When you look at your next article of clothing, you might be looking at a pattern or logo created by a graphic designer. Next time you look at a fashion magazine article or clothing post on Instagram, you may be looking at the work of a graphic designer.

Although many famous graphic designers are working in fashion, let’s take a look at ten famous graphic designers and what they have done for the fashion world.

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Elaine Leon

graphic designers fashion elaine leon
Image: elainebiss.com
Internationally known Puerto Rican designer started as a graphic designer in New York City, and now specializes in fashion illustrations working out of Pennslyvania.

Her fashion illustrations have been featured by such fashion empires as Jimmy Choo and New York and Company. Elaine Leon helps immortalize original fashion creations by drawing original clothing designs, accessories, and live fashion events.

Mathias Augustyniak and Michael Amzalag

graphic designers fashion art

These two graphic designers out of Paris are best known for their abstract art and way of thinking. Together, they have formed graphic design studio M/M in Paris. Their work includes spatial elements for fashion in runway sets, and exhibits.

Their art and photographs have also been featured in magazines such as French Vogue, and Purple Fashion. Their poster designs have been used to launch global fashion campaigns. These two have contributed quite a lot to the fashion world and continue to do so.

Dawn Smith

graphic designers fashion dawn smith
Designer Dawn Smith creates wearable art out of Scotland through her company Dawntroveresial Designs. Each piece is custom-made clothing, shoes, and home decor that are both tangible and extravagant.

Starting as a graphic designer, she is now a creative director as well as a fashion photographer and illustrator. Her work stretches the fabric of the fashion world to think outside the box and be one of a kind.


Sindiso Nyoni

graphic designers fashion sindiso nyoni
Image: studioriot.com

Born in Zimbabwe, Sindiso Nyoni is a self-developed graphic designer, he specializes in street art and contemporary illustrations.

He has worked with major brands such as Nike and Adidas and often uses his art to protest and showcase South Africa’s pressing issues, such as with his campaign with Converse. His African-inspired style of art represents peace and unity within and among nations.

He currently works out of Johannesburg, continuing to tackle the issues of Africa through art and fashion. His work is known around the world and he continues to work with well-known brands and fashion designers.

Carolyn Davidson

graphic designers fashion carolyn davidson

Ever wonder where the logo on your t-shirt came from? Well if you are wearing Nike, that logo was created by graphic designer Carolyn Davidson who designed it in 1971 and has been around ever since.

At the time, she was only paid $35 for her work which once adjusted for inflation, is about $217 today. This seems low in comparison to the wild success of Nike and its logo.

Leta Sobierajski

graphic designers fashion photography

Leta Sobierajski is a graphic designer based out of New York who combines traditional graphic design with photography, and art.

Her work spans from photography to branding and has been used by fashion houses such as Gucci, to promote their clothing in the attention-grabbing, compelling style of Leta.

In 2016 she created a design studio with her husband Wade Jeffree, also a designer, and continues to create eye-catching works.

Melissa Brunet

graphic designers fashion melissa brunet

Based out of Paris France, Melissa Brunet uses her graphic design skills to create memorable identities for brands.

Her glamorous drawing style elevates fashion to art, drawing inspiration from popular art styles from Paris and realistic styles. She manages a design studio, continuing to help large brands stand out.

Jaimie Reid

graphic designers fashion jamie reid
Image: raggedkingdom.com

British graphic designer and artist Jaimie Reid has designed fashion for a variety of people, including the punk band Sex Pistols.

He also designed the clothing label Ragged Kingdom with curator John Marchant. Their company aims to be an environmentally supportive line that uses organic cotton, avoids animal products, and supports fair wages for its workers.

He donates a portion of his earning from Ragged Kingdom to community centers in Liverpool where he currently resides.

Jessica Walsh

graphic designers fashion walsh
Image: andwalsh.com

NYC-based designer Jessica Walsh not only teaches about design but also creates. She started designing and coding as young as 11 and has achieved success ever since, appearing in Forbes 30 Under 30.

Working alongside a fellow designer Stefan Sagmeister opened their studio while she was still in her 20s. Much of her inspiration comes from her grandmother’s crazy fashion sense of bright, colorful outfits, properties which she tried to replicate in her work.

She designed the visual identity for the fashion brand Millym, as well as worked with major companies such as Levi’s with this creative billboard below.

Milton Glaser

graphic designers fashion milton glaser

Ever seen a souvenir with ‘I *heart* New York’ on it? You have graphic designer Milton Glaser to thank for that. He came up with this well-known design back in the 1970s for a tourism campaign with his design from Milton Glaser Inc.

He was the first graphic designer to receive the National Medal of the Arts award in 2009 and his work is displayed in museums across the world. Maybe you’ll think of him next time you pick up an I *heart* NY* souvenir.

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About the Author: Shelby Bonner

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