A chain is an easy way to add a touch of style to your look and show off your personality.  However, knowing how to wear it best with a collared shirt is not always common knowledge.  It can be tricky to balance both components so as not to outshine one or look too busy. 

The right chain for your shirt can entail many things from type to length, to color.  You also should consider the occasion, collar style, and what type of message you want to say about your style. 

Not all chains or collars are made the same, so knowing the tips and tricks on how to combine them can be a game changer to make you feel more confident in your choice and with your style. 

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Under Your Shirt  

Under Your Shirt

A common way to wear a chain is neatly tucked under your collared shirt.  Part of the chain will be covered while a portion around your neck will still shine through for a subtle look that can be worn for any occasion. 

Wear your chain under a collared flannel shirt.

Over Your Shirt

Over Your Shirt

Wearing a chain over your collared shirt creates a bold, eye-catching look. This looks best when all your buttons are done up to create a blank backdrop for your chains.  Whether it is one bold chain, or several chains layered, you will look sophisticated and elegant. 

Try a chain over a pink shirt.

With An Open-Shirt 

With An Open-Shirt

Opening your shirt completely or by just a few buttons helps create more possibilities of the type and length of chains you can wear.  

A fully open shirt allows you to wear multiple long chins for a more casual length, while a few open buttons allow you to wear chains past your neck while still being subtle and professional. 

Check out these button-up shirts.

The Right Length 

The Right Length

Choosing the right length of the chain will depend on your shirt and what look you are going for.  A short chain is great to wear under your shirt without it being too bulky.  A long chain hangs better outside of your shirt or on an open shirt to show it off.  

Discover how to wear a chain with a hoodie.

Layering Chains 

Layering Chains

A great way to add more dimension and detail to your collared shirt is by layering multiple chains at once.  You can layer different lengths, thicknesses, and styles of chain for a unique, eye-catching look.  Make sure each chain is a distinct length so that they don’t overlap or get tangled together.  

Choose a sustainable jewelry brand.

Color Coordination 

Color Coordination

Your chain should match the same color group as your collared shirt.  For instance, if your shirt is a warm color like brown or orange, a warm gold will look the best.  A silver chain looks best with other cool tones like navy blue or grey.

Try on these vibrant colors.

Pattern Pairing

Pattern Pairing

A good rule of thumb is that if your shirt is busy with vibrant colors or patterns, your chain should be simpler.  If your shirt is a solid shade, you can get away with more chains with more intricate details.  Combining busy chains with a busy shirt will create too much going on. 

Find more pattern pairings here.

Add a Pendant 

Add a Pendant

Adding a pendant to your chain is a great way to add more personality to your overall look.  A pendant can consist of anything from your birthstone, a religious symbol, or even your favorite animal.  

The size and weight of the pendant will depend on how much of a statement you want and whether you are wearing your chain inside or outside of a collar.

Check out these recycled jewelry brands.

Balance With Other Accessories

Balance With Other Accessories

When wearing a chain with a collared shirt, it is important to balance it out with your other accessories including other jewelry, a belt, and a bowtie or tie. 

If your belt and watch are gold, opt for a gold chain to match.  If your bow tie is oversized or contains a busy pattern, opt for a smaller, subtle chain that won’t outshine it. 

Accessorize with these purses.

Thickness Of Your Chain 

Thickness Of Your Chain

A thinner chain will lay flatter against your collarbone, neck, and body and will blend in with the rest of your outfit.  A thicker chain will create more volume and sit further away from your body and will be more noticeable.

Save these necklace brands.

Casual Versus Formal 

Casual Versus Formal

Depending on the occasion and how formal you want to look will impact how you wear your chain.  For a more casual look, wear a thicker, shorter chain with an open collar for a more relaxed look.  

Consider chains made from diamonds or gems to create an impactful, glowing combination for a more formal look.  Longer chains that go to your middle chest and multiple chains with pendants will also create a more elegant look perfect for an evening out.

Check out these suits for a formal look.

Collar Type

Collar Type

The type of collar you wear will also affect how to wear your chain.  A classic smaller collar with a v-shape works best with thinner chains while a wider collar pairs best with a thicker, bolder chain.  

Check out these different collar types.

Beaded Chain 

Beaded Chain

For a more casual yet unique look, consider switching out your metal chain for a beaded one.  A beaded chain creates the opportunity to add more shape, and color to your look and to further show off your style.

Find more looks with beads here.

Chain Type 

Chain Type

There are many different types of chains out there, all with their unique details and personality.  Some common chain types include a rope chain (twisted links), a box chain (square links), a curb chain (oval links), and a Figaro chain (circular links).

A box chain with wider links will create a bolder statement than a Figaro chain with smaller circular links.  A rope chain will add more detail and dimension than a simple curb chain. 

Learn why men wear chains here.

Give Yourself Options 

Give Yourself Options

If you are unsure what style of chain you like or are unsure how you want to wear it, give yourself options.  Combine a few different styles and lengths and tuck some under your shirt and some over your shirt.  

Easily switch up your look through the day until you are confidently dawning your chains. 

Check out these fair trade necklaces and chains.

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About the Author: Shelby Bonner

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